The Rose Circle ☯ “It goes without saying…”

November 13, 2006

True Love Kiss

Filed under: Articles — Strephon Kaplan-Williams @ 3:40 pm

When love is true you can kiss.

When love is false, or not compatible, you cannot kiss the other person over and over again and feel what you should be feeling when kissing a true love.

Some of us already know this from our earliest kissing experiences. Yet, then again, in the business of life we may have forgotten this simple truth of nature, of the instincts, and of the soul.

Instincts are our genitals in interaction. Sexual desire and expression are our bodies and instincts at work to generate desire for the other person, and as in the old days, pregnancy and children.

Love compatibility between the sexes is not built by sexual desire, love-making techniques and free sexual expression.


Positive Problem Solving Not Negative Complaining Challenge

Filed under: Articles — Strephon Kaplan-Williams @ 1:53 am

A commitment to problem solving, rather than just complaining about things, is a major attitude shift for fulfilling oneself and others in life. Strephon Kaplan-Williams, psychologist-philosopher, podcaster takes you through the process. Instant change is possible out of his challenge to stop complaining in life.

I once worked at an innovative treatment center as the chief psychotherapist. There in one of the memos to all our seventy staff I put out a direct order to stop complaining. It led to positive results, because of course I could not act like some army general, but I could highlight the issue in a dramatic way.

With all my students and clients in therapy I have suggested ending complaining, but of course not in a direct memo to my clients.


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